Saturday, May 16, 2020

Complusive Gambling Essay - 2272 Words

Complusive Gambling Compulsive gambling is a very addictive disease that can cost you more than its worth. So why do people become compulsive gamblers? In America 2-3% of adults are afflicted by this addiction. Four out of Five compulsive gamblers are men. Over 90% of compulsive gamblers have gambled since their mid-teens. There are many reasons why people become compulsive gamblers. Throughout my paper I will go over many types of research that have been done on this disorder and show you a variety of reasons why people subject themselves to this behavior. Problem gamblers do not ingest, inject, or inhale substances as chemically addicted people do. Just what is it to which they become addicted? The answer to this†¦show more content†¦An alternative model of compulsive gambling is as a heterogeneous disorder with different subtypes sharing certain characteristics. Compulsive gambling may not fit into one of the models mentioned above, but rather a mixed group with different subtypes that share certain characteristics. Both biological and psychological factors play a role in compulsive gambling. Pathological gambling is a chronic and progressive condition that disrupts the life of the individual and those close to him. Not only is pathological gambling associated with financial problems due to the large amounts of money spent on the activity or the loss of a job, but this disorder increases the likelihood of other emotional and psychiatric problems, and general health problems in the individual or his family (Lorenz V, Yaffee, R. 40-49). Suicide is a possible consequence of pathological gambling. Other consequences might be mood disorders, schizophrenia and some neurological conditions. The World Health Organization (WHO), as well as the APA, classified Compulsive gambling as an impulse control disorder, because the individual becomes increasingly incapable of resisting his impulses to gamble. All the impulse control disorders share the following characteristics: difficulties to resist an impulse, desire or temptation to perform some behavior that is detrimental for the individual or others; a progressive emotional discomfort or tension before performing the act; pleasurable orShow MoreRelatedEffectiveness Of Gatekeeping By Bruns906 Words   |  4 Pageswords, what was the main reason for me to choose this particular story on English wine over others? Did it â€Å"make it† because the subconscious me who enjoys a good glass of wine favoured this story over the others (people with gambling problems and the rising number of complusive gamblers; or the closure of the last remaining coal mine in Yorkshire and its social impact on the region)? There is a catalo gue of reasons for doing the story on wine; the personal attitude, however, was certainly the least

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